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The European HLT-project NITE (Natural Interactivity Tools Engineering, 1.4.2001 - 31.7.2003) has built several toolsets for multi-level, cross-level and cross-modality annotation, retrieval and exploitation of multi-party natural interactive human-human and human-machine dialogue data. Two of the three NITE toolsets are freely available from the NITE pages.

The three NITE toolsets are: NWB, the NITE WorkBench for Windows, NXT, the NITE XML Toolkit, and the commercial tool Observer. Jointly, the NITE toolsets are becoming able to address the needs of users who want to code (or annotate) and explore natural interactive and multimodal communication, including cross-level and cross-modality coding. The formal basis for data handling in NITE is defined in the NITE Object Model (NOM).
