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HIAT (Konrad Ehlich, Jochen Rehbein)

HIAT is a transcription system based on a score notation, developed in the 1970's by Ehlich and Rehbein, and widely used in Europe. The acronym stands for Halbinterpretative Arbeitstranskriptionen, or "semi-interpretative working transcription." Dafydd Gibbon is credited with the English name "Heuristic Interpretative Auditory Transcription," which preserves the acronym. The HIAT philosophy includes the notion of literary transcription (literarische Umschrift), which "involves systematic departures from the standard orthographic rendering of an item but in a manner that is meaningful to someone familiar with the orthographic system as a whole." Methods are provided for annotating prosody, non-verbal communication, and so on. HIAT transcriptions used to be created using HIAT-DOS (on DOS and Windows system) and SyncWriter(on Macintosh systems). EXMARaLDA is meant to replace these software tools and ensure better processability and exchangeability of HIAT transcriptions.


  • Rehbein, Jochen / Schmidt, Thomas / Meyer, Bernd / Watzke, Franziska / Herkenrath, Annette (2004): Handbuch für das computergestützte Transkribieren nach HIAT. Arbeiten zur Mehrsprachigkeit, Folge B (Nr. 56). Universität Hamburg: Sonderforschungsbereich Mehrsprachigkeit. (Online-Version)
  • Ehlich, Konrad (1992): HIAT - a Transcription System for Discourse Data. In: Edwards, Jane / Lampert, Martin (Eds.) (1992): Talking Data - Transcription and Coding in Discourse Research. Hillsdale: Erlbaum, 123-148.
  • Ehlich, Konrad/Rehbein, Jochen (1976): Halbinterpretative Arbeitstranskriptionen (HIAT). In: Linguistische Berichte 45, 21-41.